This month, I took part in a vision boarding exercise to help me visualize and bring to life the personal and professional goals and outcomes I would like to achieve in 2020 and beyond. (See also my blog article, Vision Boarding for Success to read more about this process.) Once I had completed my vision board, I took a look at it and noticed that the most obvious thing about it was the amount of space on the board that was unfilled. #VisionBoard #Space
Spatial awareness
The entire group participating in the exercise became aware that my vision board was virtually empty and were curious as to why, particularly because they had spent the same amount of time filling up every bit of real estate on their boards that was available to them. The stark emptiness of my board gave me pause as it wasn’t a conscious decision to leave a virtual blank canvas. #BlankCanvas
On reflection, it has become clear to me what was/is going on. It relates to the significance of space in my life on many different levels and how important it has become to me during the past couple of years since becoming a professional coach.
Six Reasons Why Space Is Important
Below is a list of 6 reasons why space has increased in importance to me in 2020:
1. Holding space: As a coach, I spend all of my time holding space for my clients. This means that I actively listen to them, hearing and observing everything they are telling (or not telling) me. I am unconditionally present for them without judgement, offering them time to explore the challenges they might be facing and guiding them through a process of self-discovery. This space that I hold is sacred and cannot be interrupted, hence the need to find a quiet space to work in with my client. #HoldSpace #NoJudgement
2. Pausing: I spent 2019 frantically trying to do what I thought I *should* to grow my private coaching practice: networking; running and participating in events; watching webinars of exponential coaches telling me how to make millions; creating a marketing strategy and identifying marketing personas to represent my perfect client; writing articles; fretting about how I should be making regular videos (eek!) to motivate my clientele; and posting on social media platforms to promote my services as much and whenever possible. #Networking
In 2020, I have decided to pause and contemplate next steps with regard to the direction in which I want my business to go. My new plan is to allow things (contacts, referrals, client renewals, etc.) to permeate and grow organically.
3. Resting: I am actively choosing to slow down, rest and introspect more, especially with regard to my coaching practice. I have made a conscious decision not to ‘put myself out there’ quite as much. Not only is relentless networking and prospecting for clients exhausting: it also suggests neediness and has an air of desperation about it.
I will choose to attend the networking events that interest me rather than going along because it makes good business sense and might benefit my business in the long run.
4. Hiatus: I positively want to interrupt the working pattern that I have adopted over the past 1.5 years to review my status, refine and continuously improve my future approach and business model.
5. Being in space: I have a deep desire in 2020 to spend less time inside working. I want to get outside more and spend time in nature, going for walks and cycle rides with my loved ones, enjoying the green space around me and reminding myself that we only have one life and one health and we must cherish them and those around us.
6. Breathing: Most of all, I want to remind myself to breathe and to be more reflective in the act of breathing: To take air deep into my lungs, leave it there for several seconds and then breathe it out, remembering that it helps with mental clarity, helps us sleep better and reduces stress levels. #AndBreathe
Having realized all of this as a result of a vision boarding exercise, I am now aware that I have made an unconscious new year’s resolution, and it feels really good. #NewYearsResolution