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Embrace Your Crossroads

Coach Alisa

Updated: Sep 13, 2019

Crossroads Coach

I often refer to myself as the ‘crossroads coach’, as I tend to attract clients who are at an intersection in their personal or professional lives, as I was myself less than a year ago. #LifescapeCoaching #LifeCoach #LifeCoaching

Face the Intersection Head-On

Recognizing that you are at a crossroads can be daunting. Whether it relates to your career path or a job move, a relationship or a relocation, facing that intersection head-on and making the decision to tackle it can be more daunting still. If the new path is clearly set out, and your challenge is around how to approach it, then you are in a good position to expedite change in your life.

If, however, like the majority of the clients I see, you are approaching that crossroads and don’t have much of an idea of what to do next, which path to follow, nor which direction to take, then your challenge is greater. There is a strong chance that you might be feeling a sense of overwhelm too. This is where your coach comes into their own. #CrossRoads

Your Coach is Your Ally

Your coach is both your ally and your accountability partner: they want what is best for you and sometimes they are able to see what that is more clearly than you can see it yourself. They are your biggest advocate and will reassure you if you hesitate as you hover outside of your comfort zone and have a wobble around your commitment to change. Using a range of tools and techniques, they can help you focus on the goals, outcomes and solutions you desire.

As you work together to identify and elucidate your purpose, your needs, and your motivations for wanting to take your first steps in a new direction, your coach will challenge you often, asking some pretty testing questions. They will help guide you towards a new way of thinking and help you recognize unhelpful patterns of behaviour and work towards eradicating them. They will listen powerfully to you and support you as you remove obstacles in your path and start to take baby steps across that intersection to bring about desired change. They will hold you to account for completing tasks or homework between sessions to ensure that you follow up on your action plan and start to implement strategies to catalyse change. #AccountabilityPartner #OutsideComfortZone


You are bound to have feelings of uncertainty and doubt along the way but you will grow to embrace the prospect of change. As the crossroads comes into sharp focus, you may start to experience excitement and anticipation. #Doubt


Transitioning to the other side of change is a major achievement and a milestone in your personal growth and development. Reaching this milestone allows you to embrace change and find fulfilment. It is unlikely to be an easy journey. In fact, transitioning towards and effecting change as you find the right path will be bumpy. Along the way, your coach will always support you and never judge you. #UnconditionalPositiveRegard

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