You could benefit from talking to me IF:
You want to change your career or pivot in your existing role.
You're struggling to visualise what your professional future might look like.
You have an interview coming up and want to practise your technique.
You're struggling to stay mentally fit at work.
Hi, I'm Alisa, an International Coaching Federation PCC (Professional Certified Coach) and EMCC Global Practitioner, Career Growth Coach, Interview Coach and Corporate Mental Fitness Coach, based in Brighton, UK. I can help you change or pivot in your career, helping you get clarity on your perfect new role, find a career path you feel passionate about and prepare you to secure the position you really want. I will support you as you make the transition to a more fulfilling role and a happier life.
I work a lot both with clients within and outside of the corporate world, one-to-one and in groups to improve mental fitness at work, navigate tricky relationships, harness self-belief, and plan an escape route from an existing career.
If you think you could benefit from talking to me, click here to Book An Initial Conversation
I will take you through a process to help you gain clarity around where you should go next professionally.
I offer customized Career Growth, Life and Mental Fitness Coaching sessions for clients who prefer to follow a program tailored to suit their individual needs.
How I Can
Help You
As your coach, I work with you online via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or FaceTime.
I provide you with the safe space, support, guidance, reflection and accountability you need to empower you to bring about desired change and improvement.
Book a FREE Discovery Call with me if you:
Want a career change but aren't sure what your next professional move should be.
Want to retrain but are worried about taking a risk.
Want a promotion or salary increase and are feeling frustrated at every turn.
Want to practise your interview technique.
Want to improve your mental health at work.
Want to improve relationships at work.
Want to start advocating for yourself.
Want to feel unstuck, empowered, and able to move forward.
I offer customized Coaching packages to suit individuals needs.
I offer 4 different packages meeting online via Zoom to help people gain clarity around where they should be professionally.
Change Your Career involves 8 hours of one-to-one coaching and is aimed at clients who wish to have a complete career change.
Progress Your Career involves 6 hours of one-to-one coaching and is aimed at clients who feel stuck after having been at the same level in their careers for longer than planned, and who wish to progress within or outside of their organization.
Find A Joyful Career involves 9 hours of online group coaching for up to 8 people anywhere in the world, who have in common a desire to escape from their current role, a fear of taking a risk and an uncertainty of where to go next. This package will help participants gain clarity around where they belong professionally.
Rediscover Your Strengths is a one-to-one pay-as-you-go option for people who wish to follow a customized program tailored to their individual needs.